To encourage all families, especially those of Faith Bible Church, Lincoln, Nebraska
In Case You Missed Our Summer Session
Rating for the place is 4 stars. The meal was good, the atmosphere was fun, and Deb was very happy. We would consider taking the older grandchildren with us to another show. Price is $22.00 each and tickets must be reserved in advanced. The price for children is $9.00 each. The beans were great! For information, you can check them out at
If you were at the family forum, you will understand that I did redeem myself after the Shell station date with this one!
In The Meantime.... Date Nights
Restaurant Name
Rating: (Using our own system)
5 stars - Great date night place. Your wife will want to return.
4 stars - Nice place and atmosphere. Your wife will be happy.
3 stars - Sold place. Your wife will appreciate your efforts.
2 stars - Alright place. Your wife will be a little less than impressed.
1 star - Don't dare to take her there. Your wife would prefer fast food.
Price Range:
Best Way to Eat Cheap:
Favorite Dish:
Anything to Avoid:
Blown Away
We are going to take a couple of months off to regroup. If you would like to be part of the committee that puts the forum evenings together, please let me know. We will begin planning again at the end of August for our October forum.
Didn't attend the May forum? See what you missed!

Pastor George once again blessed us with his teaching.

Deb Lockyer also had some words of wisdom for the women.
Don't miss out once again! Join us Friday, July 13th at 7:30 pm for the next forum when we have a panel of three couples from Faith with nearly 200 years of marriage between them. This is your chance to ask those who have paved the path before us just how they have maintained a happy, God-centered marriage and perhaps some of the mistakes that they have made along the way. Tickets are required, so sign up this Sunday in the worship center to join us for fellowship, teaching, music, and dessert.
Take Courage and Stand Strong In Your Faith
"I’m sure glad we took the time to study the Scriptures together," Tom comments. "I didn’t realize how much the Bible says about gender. I didn’t know how clear it is about this subject. That’s what has impressed me the most." "Tom, let me repeat what I’ve been saying all along. If the Bible is allowed to speak for itself, it plainly teaches that God created men and women equal in His divine image but different in their respective role functions. One has to twist the Scriptures to eliminate gender role differences from the Bible."
"You’re right, but people believe in gender equality so strongly that they won’t accept role differences no matter who says it." "
I know! We’re standing against a worldwide wave of opinion."
"It’s tough to stand against the tide," Tom says.
"True, but we’ve been called to be faithful to Jesus Christ and His Word, not to popular opinion."
"Pray that I’ll have the courage to stand for what I believe."
"I will. Here are some final thoughts to encourage and strengthen your faith."
First, if you believe God created men and women as equal yet different, you stand firmly on sound, honest biblical scholarship. You are faithful to the biblical record. You allow God to speak for Himself and the Bible to say what it means. You protect the Bible’s credibility to speak plainly. You believe what God’s people have believed since the beginning of human history. You follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and His holy apostles. So be encouraged. "Heaven and earth will pass away," Jesus said, "but My words will not pass away" (Matt. 24:35).
Second, some top evangelical, Bible-believing scholars are boldly speaking out against the unsound interpretive methods and conclusions of feminist scholars. They are producing exciting new books and journal articles that challenge feminist strongholds and confirm the truth that the Bible teaches headship and submission. If you are open-minded and seek biblical truth on gender, vital, new research information is now at hand for you to study. 1 So "be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth" (2 Tim 2:15; italics added).
Third, in spite of the overwhelming cultural pressure to obliterate God-created, gender-defined role differences, millions of local churches and Christian leaders worldwide adamantly refuse to bow the knee to the false idol of egalitarianism. They refuse to accept feminist notions of equality--not because they are wooden-headed literalists, blind traditionalists, or because they fear women--but because God says something different. They also recognize this debate for what it really is--spiritual warfare over the Creator’s sovereign design for marriage, the family, the church family, and godly manhood and womanhood:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12). Take courage from the strength, faithfulness, and uncompromising courage of your brothers and sisters to follow the Word of the Lord, and to be truly counter-cultural.
Fourth, those who follow God’s blueprint for marriage will build happier, stronger marriages, and their children will benefit. Those who know God’s plan for marriage and the sexes can help protect their families from a secularized culture that is super-saturated with rebellion against God’s laws, with sexual promiscuity, with divorce, fatherlessness, lies, loneliness, and heartache. Furthermore, following God’s design for gender will help keep churches doctrinally strong and enable them to grow according to God’s plan. So, I say, as the Lord said to Joshua, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success” (Josh 1:8).
Fifth, complementarians will not give up appealing to our feminist brothers and sisters. Minds have been changed. Unlike secular and theologically liberal feminists, evangelical feminists believe God to be the author of Scripture, God’s book. This provides us substantial common ground on which to continue to communicate and persuade. Thus we want to appeal to our feminist brothers and sisters and warn you as friends. The best minds can be blinded by egalitarian philosophy that looks fair and just but contradicts the Creator’s decision to make people the way He has.
Sixth, those who follow God’s plan for the sexes, marriage, and the church family glorify God. By following His plan, they allow God to be sovereign Lord over His creation. This brings God pleasure, and nothing is more important to a child of God than that.
1 John Piper and Wayne Grudem, eds., Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism (Wheaton: Crossway, 1991); Mary A. Kassian, Women, Creation and the Fall (Westchester: Crossway, 1990); Wayne Grudem, "An Open Letter to Egalitarians," in Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 3:1 (March, 1998); Jack Cottrell, Gender Roles & The Bible: A Critique of Feminist Biblical Interpretation: Gender Roles and the Bible: Creation, the Fall, and Redemption (Joplin, Mo.: College Press Publishing Company, 1994); Wayne Grudem, "The Meaning Source Does Not Exist," Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 2:5 (Dec. 1997); Andreas J. Kostenberger, Thomas R. Schreiner, and H. Scott Baldwin, eds. Women in the Church: A Fresh Analysis of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995); S. M. Baugh, "The Apostle Among the Amazons: A Review Article," Westminster Theological Journal 56 (1994): 153-171.

Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus
I just had a Mars/Venus kind of experience with my wife and thought I'd share the laugh.Here's a simple illustration in how men and women (pardon the stereotypes) view money differently. My wife just walked into the office and asked, "Do you have any change?"I began to open the desk drawer for the cup of coins I keep there. Looking into the drawer, I ask, "How much?""Fifteen dollars," was her reply.Fellas, when did fifteen whole dollars become "change"? It's expensive living in Cayman... but my word! This helps to explain why when we're in the mall and I ask "do you have any money?" she always says "no." But then three stores later, she "finds" $20-40 (in her change purse) to purchase the blouse on sale. When I say, "I thought you didn't have any money?" She says, "You asked if I had money. Oh, that wasn't money." Apparently, being from Mars, I'm not dealing in big enough denominations! That was just "change"!I will have been married to my wife for 16 years on August 31st, Lord willing. And not until this moment did I realize how different our perspectives on money can be.We had a good laugh (and she gave me permission to post this). But from now on, I'm recalibrating my understanding of what "change" and "money" are. Anybody with me?
Pat and Cathy Ward

What an encouraging evening!!! We had such a wonderful time, meeting new people, and building new friendships. It was good to hear straight from the Word! We needed to be reminded on what God has to say about what His desire for us is to be as men and women, how to better our relationship with each other, and how to walk closer with the Lord everyday! We left feeling strengthened to continue on in our battles in this life. Praise the Lord for this evening and Lord willing, we will see you next time!!
Sean and Elena Downey
The greatest influence on earth, whether for good or for evil, is possessed by woman...Every woman, whether rich or poor, married or single, has a circle of influence within which, according to her character, she is exerting a certain amount of power for good or harm. Every woman, by her virtue or her vice, by her folly or her wisdom, by her levity or her dignity, is adding something to our national evelation or degradation.
1. Do not love the world or the things of the world. The Biblical view does differ.
James 4:4,5 “You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: ‘He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us.”
If you crave approval of the world, you will not find God’s plan for being a biblical man or woman.
2. Men and women are equal in value and dignity
Genesis 1:26, 27; “then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the earth, and over every creeping thing the creeps on the earth.’ And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.
We were created to be like God and represent God. Only man and woman are in His image and we share that status equally. Where the equality is taken away in this context, there ends up to be abuses based upon the biblical truth being denied. We are equal in value before God and men are not superior and women are not inferior.
3. The model for equality and differences is found in the Triune Godhead
“Let Us make man in Our image….male and female He created them.”
Equality in person but different in function. Authority is not given to One because of ability or gift, but the Father has authority because He is the Father. Authority and submission between the Triune God is fundamental to their relationship.
4. Equality and Differences are good
Genesis 1:31, “and God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.”We seem to fear the differences. It is a wise plan for God to implement this plan for it honors both men and women.
5. Function for men and women is based upon the created order.
I Corinthians 11:7,8 “For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man; for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake.” What hinders us following God’s plan is sin. Starting in Genesis 3 as part of the curse, we would struggle. Women would “desire” or be aggressive toward their husband and husbands would rule, in a ungodly way, over their wives. But Christ became a curse for us so that we would begin to restore the created order. Colossians 3: 18, 19 Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them. Do you see the contrast? Is your home representing the curse or is it representing the cross?
Moving On: New Topic For May - Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
There are two messages that are completly foreign to today's culture - the Gospel of Jesus Christ and biblical manhood and womanhood. The rise of feminism and the emasculating of men is the air our culture breathes. The problem we as a church face is that we breathe the same air and are very vulnerable to wrong thinking. At the upcoming Faith Family Forum on May 11 we will allow God's Word to press in on our lives as men and women so we apply the Scriptures to our thinking and actions in this vital area.
Starting this Sunday, April 22, you can sign up for the forum at the table as you enter the church building. There is no cost for the night but tickets are required. We have planned another great evening of fellowship.
Did you know that the most common word for "glory" in the Old Testament is the Hebrew word 'kabod' which literally means weighty or heavy. Using this as a theme, what if we would define a rock in my life as that which is weighty. But weighty to whom? Are we to live our lives to glorify God in all we do? Or in other words, we are to make God look great in all dimensions of our lives and make Him weighty. The pursuit of the glory of God helps bring meaning and excellence as well as move us from a random life to an intentional life. Some questions to ask yourself:
1. Are there areas of your life where the glory of God is either gravel or stone?
2. How can God increase the size and add weight to your stones that really need to be rocks?
3. What areas of your life need spiritual attention?
For the time being, this will end the articles about priorities and rocks. We will from time to time revisit this but starting tomorrow we will begin setting up for the next Faith Family Forum on May 11. The topic will be Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
First: Do you love the Lord your God? To love God is to love Him because He is God, not because of anything of me. It is to love Him wholly by breaking any contest between my self-centeredness and God-centeredness and declaring it is God alone.
Is God the passion of your heart? That which you love with your heart you sacrifice for. The heart is where we make decisions. Do your decisions about your life, family, and job reflect you are moved by God and toward God?
Is God the passion of your soul? The soul is that point where we contact the inner person with the outer person. It is where love and emotion meet and enthusiasm rises. Is God so valuable to you that you are constantly seeking to increase His value in your life? What about sin? Is your love for Jesus exceeding your love for sin? Are you willing to reach a point in your life that you have no desire to sin again? Do you make sin trivial and dabble with it as if it is of little significance to God?
Is God the passion of your mind? Here is where our intellect, our ability to reason, reflect and desire rightly occurs. We are limited in our minds and must realize that because of limited knowledge, we are gullible and must seek for the Word of God to supervise, control, and instruct us. True love for God calls for submitting ourselves to the revelation of Scripture for God has spoken and the Scripture represents exactly what He meant. Are you recognizing that the Word of God diagnoses our foolishness, motives and decisions? Do you love God so much that you want to hear more and more from Him? Do you want to see yourself correctly by allowing God to bring correction to you?
Set your boulder in place – then place your rocks upon it – and then let the gravel flow. How are your rocks going?
By the way…we have begun plans for May 11 and the next Faith Family Forum. Look for information beginning next week and put it on your calendar. We have a great night planned!
Check out the entire article or listen to the sermon yourself at
Is It Rock or Gravel?
1. Is your heart set upon it? When you involve yourself with this item, does it energize you with a level of passion? Does it seem to have an important purpose? Where does your passion for God fit in the picture of this item?
2. Do you do this repeatedly? Do you take it responsibly? Do you really consider it important? Why? Does it glorify God and advance His kingdom?
3. What difference does it make to do this or not to do it? Is it something that really does impact you and/or your family? What are the other choices you have in place of this item? Are they more useful? Does it profit your soul?
What we love, we follow. What we value, we will obey. Our words and deeds when combined with the resources of our time and money show what we really love. When we are seized by God and have a passion for a life that expresses the heart of the Gospel, we avoid a life set by our own agenda, preferences and that expresses our independence. This path is hazardous and has proven disastrous for most. You can change the size of your stones by increasing the value of God intentionally in what you do.
Rocks of Conflict - "Church Time" verses "Family Time"
Parents and Kids of Faith
Part 2
“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. ”Proverbs 22:6
In continuing with the theme of the last Parents and Kids of Faith along with what I covered at the Faith Family Forum, this article is to present questions for your consideration as a family. It is to help establish what is important in your family in regard to priorities and attempt to align them with God-centered purposes. If we do not assess what is preoccupying our time and interpreting what we are doing, we risk being controlled by activity that is meaningless and decreasing the value of a Christ-centered home.
The following questions are designed to help unify your family, remind you of what is important, setting a pattern of a Christ-centered home, reducing conflicts, providing barriers of security for your children, and freeing you from the “tyranny of the urgent.”
1. How would you answer the question: What is the purpose of our family?
Next week I will begin a series of examples of how you convert the answers to such questions to a plan of action for your family. Take time before then to chew on these questions.
More Testimonies from the Faith Family Forum
Dave Dilley
Great job on Friday night with the Faith Family Forum. Also, a big thanks to everyone who helped out and served the body of Christ in this manner. Have begun working on living intentionally, identifying my rocks, and eliminating some of those pebbles. This is a great way to build the Faith community and Kristin and I are looking forward to the May event.
Mark Powell
A Few Pictures from Friday Evening
Matt Hollenbeck and Bill Wegrzyn were highly entertaining with their "Priority Man" skit
Tyler Engel dishing out some door prizes as emcee
Over 100 attendees participated in discussion and dessert
The lights were turned down, there was candlelight and cheesecake at every table, and then Bill Wegrzyn jumps on stage in Pastor George's old wrestling uniform...needless to say, the forum was a time of laughs and learning for us. Sometimes we can get caught up in our group of friends and never take a step out to meet others in the church community, but this night was about doing just that. We were assigned tables with people we were not familiar with ( a scary thought, we know). But, little did we know, stepping outside of your comfort zone can be a very enjoyable experience.
At our table, we spoke to people from different stages of life than our own, all able to bring something different and valuable. With subjects including; the dangers facing families today, why church and community at church is vital, and the importance of a Word centered home, discussion was bound to be fruitful. And it was!!
Pastor George's discussion on priorities (the rocks in our lives) really hit home on how we are managing time in our own lives. Since the forum, we have chosen to identify the rocks in our lives. In doing so, we are more apt to ensure the rocks (those things God calls us to do) take priority over the gravel (those things that take time away from our rocks). So what does this mean on a personal level? We've made a commitment to hold each other accountable to ensure the rocks come first.
The FLOCK we are involved in is focusing it's attention on building close relationships and developing accountablity within the group. The Faith Family Forum took these same goals to a whole new level. Here we are, developing personal relationships with people we've just met and enjoying, and learning from it. Don't you think, this type of community building at Faith Bible is worth becoming one of your priorities (rocks)?
We look forward to the May forum!!
Tim and Tina Miller
Being careful not to over schedule, I know that most days have some air to air combat missions where I cannot predict what will happen and will call for moment by moment responses. So here I am finishing my coffee, getting ready to head to church taking one last look at the calendar. Ten to fifteen minutes from yesterday and today will probably save me hours of chaos and keep my heart from some unnecessary anxiety. It will be easier to focus on the sovereign work of God in my week. God will measure and give me the rest of the things that fill up my calendar. Bring on the gravel!
What A Great Night!
Sooo, how is your family centered on the 3 hopes I spoke of in the first session? God's Word - the Gospel - and the church community? What adjustments do you need to start working on? Are you in a FLOCK? Do you need to discover how the Gospel will be lived out in your home?
What are your rocks? Do your rocks have strong, God-centered purposes or are they items that are controlling you towards meaningless experiences without profit as Solomon declared about his rocks in Ecclesiates 2? I will be continuing the discussion about rocks in the weeks to come and look for more examples from others.
We would sure like to hear from some of you from the evening. Please join in on this site by either logging on the comment section or send me an email at
Here are a few comments (of course only the good ones) from some who attended:
"It was awesome fellowship!'
"Every church needs this ministry - meeting others and hearing about our struggles and victories."
"Loved the discussion and the lesson"
"It was good to have some of the 'older' couples there."
"It was a fun night!"
"Very profitable evening. Thank you."
"Thank you. It was WONDERFUL!"
Thanks again for all who helped pull off the evening and all of you who came. What a great evening!
We have a great night planned for you that will fill you with encouragement, instruction, and fellowship. We will start at 7:30 sharp! Don't be late! There is no childcare provided - this is meant to be a night out. Several couples are meeting before the event to have supper together and some night owls were even talking about pie and ice cream after the event. About 110 are signed up and there is room for a few more but we would appreciate a call to the church office by noon tomorrow so we can plan on them. See you tomorrow night!
Why Come to the Faith Family Forum?
1. For the teaching of the Word. It is where we find our hope for the family in instruction. No other author or book offers the sufficiency of God's Word.
2. For the hope of the Gospel for the family. Sin abounds in every family and where sin abounds, so may grace. God provides the Gospel as a means that we can learn to forgive and be reconciled as well as the power to change us. We need not be stranded in our sin.
3. We need the community of the local church. Independence in raising our families and working through our marriages is a recipe for disaster. Growth for the Christian family is a community project. The local church and FLOCKs are ministries that we should be orienting our lives around. Faith Family Forums provides a venue for building this community.
Parenting By Faith
“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
This is a continuation of the lesson sent two weeks ago so please review “Responsibilities to Embrace for our Children.”
Does your parenting seem to be ruled by your nerves? I know how often I was so reactive to what was happening in my children’s lives and so my parenting became a series of stimulus and responses. There were days I looked like a video game! Where there is no vision, the will to parent biblically quickly shrivels.
As much as I wanted to create the future for my children, a sovereign God rules. However, we can influence the future of our children for either good or bad. We know that God is good as He sees, supervises and leads us to His program for our family but we also live under His law that we will reap what we sow.
The consideration of goals for our family and children are a means to make plans knowing that God will establish our steps. Proper goals will help lead our children and family to live in the Gospel that saves, to understand how the Holy Spirit continues to sanctify us, to learn service, and to teach our children how to suffer well.
This lesson will give you some considerations and examples for goal setting. This is not just for parenting but the establishment of goals for your family are great tools as well. In the following weeks I will present a model of goal setting by one of our Faith Bible Church families who took this lesson to heart in the past and then what my wife, Deb, and I did several years ago for our household.
Have you considered seriously what you want your child to look like when they are 18 years old? Here are a series of questions to answer:
1. What is the greatest thing you want your child to know and understand?
2. Choose 3 things from the book of Proverbs that you want your children to know?
3. Using the previous lesson on ““Responsibilities to Embrace for our Children,” what are 3 goals you would have?
4. How do you want your children to deal with the problems of life?
5. How do you want your children to learn to deal with other people?
6. How do you want your children to understand work?
7. How do you want your children to respond to your requests?
8. How do you want your children to respond to authority?
9. How do you want your children to respond to sin?
Examples of goals that answer these questions:
1. To properly fear God – understanding the attributes of God such as almighty, holy, omnisciencent, etc;
2. To understand what is a Christ-centered home not a child-centered home
3. To understand that we all we stand before God and give an account, every word and deed
4. To understand the effects of the fall of mankind upon us. They are prone to sin and I want them humbled by the grace of God
5. To understand the danger of trusting our own hearts. To learn not to do things by feelings when God’s Word says to do something.
6. To know how to seek answers to the problems of life – The Word of God
7. To trust God for daily living. That they know that God’s mercies are new each morning, His grace sufficient every day to face whatever comes their way.
8. To know the richest treasures of life are Jesus Christ and God’s Word.
9. To know how to repent of sin and ask for forgiveness. This is what will bring wholeness, healing and restoration.
10. To know how to know God through worship. The greatest joy we have is to enjoy God.
11. To know how to express love to others through manners and acts of kindness. It is to fulfill the commandment to “love others as you love yourself.”
12. To do their work diligently at home, school, or the workplace for God. To learn to do it with joy for it is a gift from God.
13. To cheerfully obey their parents the first time. To find joy in obedience.
14. To respect and honor their parents first and then all other authority over them. To learn this is so it will go well with them.
15. To suffer the natural consequences of sinful and irresponsible behavior. To learn the natural and established laws of life.
16. To protect themselves from bad influences. To learn to identify them and stay away.
17. To understand that they will not always get their way so they will learn not to be so self-centered.
18. To understand their given role of a man or woman. To learn that the roles are distinctive and not to conform to a confused secular view.
John Piper's Series on Marriage
10 more days until the Faith Family Forum
Here is a preview of the evening. Pastor Tom will give a short presentation of the theology of the family. That will be followed by a time of discussion at your “round-table.” Pastor George will also give a presentation of how to navigate the competing roles and priorities in our families. You will discover what rocks have to do with this. Then there will be discussion again at your tables. The evening will also consist of music, drama, and great cheesecake. Bring your ticket and you will be eligible for door prizes. If you have not signed up yet, you can email us at the church or sign-up at the table this Sunday. Keep viewing this site for more information in the days to come.
Faith Family Forum, Friday March 16. 7:30-10:00 P.M. at Faith Bible Church
“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
I have covered so far that God has given promises in regards to us as parents that are directed towards our children. Our responsibility is to pursue those promises believing them by faith. God has given us commandments that we are to joyfully and faithfully obey knowing that they lead to our good as well as to our children’s welfare. We then know that to really understand our children, we look to God’s Word and believe what God has said about our children, not believing our children.
These all help us shape a biblical view of our children that will be accurate and provides a clearer vision as to where to go with all instruction and training. . If we are to “parent by faith,” it implies a future orientation to our parenting. We are moving to a place where our children will one day be ready to leave home and cleave to a husband or wife, prepared to raise the next generation pointed toward “placing their confidence in God, not forgetting the works of God, and keeping His commandments.”
This lesson is to look at some of the biblical responsibilities that we are to assume. As we possess these and act upon them, we are able to look at where we want to go with our children. It is creating a God-centered vision so that the methods we use to instruct, train and correct along with our actions will be directed toward these ends and not the whims of the moment.
1. The Word of God is sufficient to all our questions about parenting. 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” Though the Word of God does not give specific instruction for every contingency of life, it does provide everything we need to know on what is God’s requirement and desire for us as husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, and our children. It is the authoritative Word for us in these areas.
2. The husband-wife relationship is the most important human relationship. This includes over your children if you are not a single parent. Marriage is designed and declared to be a life-time, one-flesh relationship. Your children are not designated as such but are described in Scripture as a gift from God. They will one day leave your home to cleave to another and establish a one-flesh relationship. This is important to understand when priorities seem to be conflicting between your marriage and parenting as to what may be of higher importance.
3. The husband/father is to bear responsibility for the welfare and direction of his wife and children. Ephesians 5:23, “For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.” Ephesians 6:4, “And fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Space and time do not allow for the full discussion here but briefly, just as Christ assumed responsibility for my sin on the cross that He did not commit; so a husband and father is to assume the responsibility for his family as a means to magnify the picture of Christ in his home. A husband/father who does not accept this is still responsible. He now becomes responsible for his irresponsibility and thus his disobedience and the fruit of it through his wife and children.
4. A parent has a tremendous influence over the direction their child will take both good and evil. R. L. Dabney wrote, “Having a child is to kindle a spark that can never be put out. That child, blessed or cursed, will exist forever and ever.” There are no guarantees, but the best chance a child has for a peaceful future is a Christ-centered home. Poorly raising a child is to provide the best chance also for a child that will not experience peace unless by the intervention of God.
5. A parent is to assume responsibility for the culture and the inputs in their child’s life. Deuteronomy 6: 6-9; “And these words, which I am commanding you today shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and (you) shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Note the “you” and not someone else. Though you may turn your child over to a school and church for instruction and training, they become ex-facto parents with the ultimate responsibility still being “you.”
6. You can despise your children by neglecting them or by paying too much attention to them. Neglect can come about by being diverted with self-centered interests and overlooking your children. Paying too much attention speaks for itself as it teaches your child self-centeredness and leads to spoiling them which is potentially destructive to their heart.
7. Discipline is not a substitute for regeneration. As with a prior lesson, our children are sinners and are in need of regeneration by the Holy Spirit. Good discipline practices can help channel sinful behavior into good behavior, but that is all that happens. There are many good behaving, lost children. Ephesians 2 states, “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins…But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ…” Our ultimate desire is that good behaving children will be alive in Christ thus the importance of a Gospel-preaching home in word and practice.
8. Young children are dependent upon their parents and progressively grow towards independence. It takes wisdom as to how to allow a child to grow to independence. To do this without a plan is to invite chaos and more bad decisions than necessary. Parents who give too much independence too soon, invite a child to sin for they lack the wisdom and skill for such a time. A parent that holds on too long may “provoke a child to anger.” Though a child must accept responsibility for their anger, a parent must also accept responsibility for their culpability in the sin.
Next week we will begin to look at goal-setting for our children. It goes along with the Faith Family Forum coming up where we will look at priorities and how do we make sure we are intentionally living in accordance with a God-centered vision for our families.
””How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver.” Proverbs 16:16
Part 3
This is the last of a three part series about needing to know about our children as we determine how to instruct, train, and correct them. Part one established that the nature of our children is sinful due to original sin. We are not born morally neutral but with the bent to sin. Part two began to describe how “foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child” and that simplicity or just being naïve brings vulnerability to sin. Their childishness brings about impulsive behavior and the challenge is to teach them how to think biblically before they act.
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What I Am Reading Right Now
- "Reverberation: How God's Word Brings Light, Freedom, and Action to His People" by Jonathan Leeman
Listen, O my people...

We will not conceal them from their children, but tell to the generations to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done. Psalm 78:4