Is It Rock or Gravel?

  • Wednesday, March 28, 2007
  • It has been encouraging to hear from many who attended the forum that they are examining their own life and the activities of the family in terms of rocks and gravel. It is apparent that the distinction is not always easy. Here are 3 elements to consider in determining the size of the stone so as to see if it is perhaps gravel or indeed a rock.
    1. Is your heart set upon it? When you involve yourself with this item, does it energize you with a level of passion? Does it seem to have an important purpose? Where does your passion for God fit in the picture of this item?
    2. Do you do this repeatedly? Do you take it responsibly? Do you really consider it important? Why? Does it glorify God and advance His kingdom?
    3. What difference does it make to do this or not to do it? Is it something that really does impact you and/or your family? What are the other choices you have in place of this item? Are they more useful? Does it profit your soul?

    What we love, we follow. What we value, we will obey. Our words and deeds when combined with the resources of our time and money show what we really love. When we are seized by God and have a passion for a life that expresses the heart of the Gospel, we avoid a life set by our own agenda, preferences and that expresses our independence. This path is hazardous and has proven disastrous for most. You can change the size of your stones by increasing the value of God intentionally in what you do.


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