Salvation is a work of God, not of parents. Though no one comes to faith without the hearing of the gospel, it is the work of God that opens a heart to respond to the gospel. God has sovereignly written the story of your life and the life of your children. Part of the plan of your children is you, the parent, to intersect their life with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has determined that you are to shape, influence, and impart values and truth to your children. The greatest tool of influence is the message of the gospel spoken and lived out by the parent. This message is to be proclaimed not only unto salvation of a child but the message is to continue on daily. Tullian Tchividjian, Pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church writes, "I can’t really move forward unless I learn more thoroughly the gospel’s content and how to apply it to all of life. Real change does not and cannot come independently of the gospel. God intends his Good News in Christ to mold and shape us at every point and in every way. It increasingly defines the way we think, feel, and live."
God is the One who saves but He has called parents to be the normal and primary means of grace to draw children to Himself (Deut 6). Though there be other means He may use, for the Christian home this is your priority.
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