A Study for Married or Engaged Couples
Deb and I will be leading a study on Monday nights (6:45-8:30) starting January 18 and lasting 11 weeks titled, “Change and Your Relationships, A Mess Worth Making.”
This is an interactive study designed to help couples learn to:
1. Value their relationships
2. Understand why relationships are difficult
3. Rejoice in God’s grace that can bring healthy, godly relationships
There are often deep issues that keep relationships less than God designed them to be. This study will give practical direction on conflict resolution, how to have difficult conversations, grant forgiveness, overlook weaknesses, and celebrate strengths by knowing and applying the gospel of grace.
You must sign-up for the course by Monday, January 11 and the cost for the materials is $13.00 per person or $26.00 per couple.

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