The title of the study is "Robust", meaning we will quaf down a robust cup of coffee or the beverage of your choice in the morning and through a study of God's Word, we will tackle robust topics of theology.
Michael Horton writes this about studying theology: "Theology is the wisdom we need for calling the Father, in the Son, and by the Holy Spirit for salvation and life. If we are saved by no other name than the name of Jesus - we better get his name right and calling upon him by the terms that he prescribed. Theology exists for this purpose: to appeal to the God who has revealed himself and his redemptive purposes in Christ so that he be invoked in times of trouble, praised in deliverance, and obeyed in gratitude."
I will post assignments on this blog and any updates. My hope is that a few men will join me in a robust time of discussion, challenge and discovery.
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