Question: What do our kids need? Answer: They need wisdom. "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7
GET WIDSOM! 23 Lessons for Children about Living for Jesus
Designed for parents or teachers to use with children from K-5-through Grade 4, twenty-three lessons illustrate qualities of wisdom and godliness. Each lesson is presented in a simple format with illustrations to capture the attention of the child, and supplemented at the back of the book with suggestions for teaching the lesson. Every child of God - both adults and children - should work hard to show these traits more and more, because we love Jesus and want to be like him. That's easier said than done, isn't it? We struggle with sin every day, and we will fail. The lessons remind us that when we do, we will find forgiveness and the grace to continue to get wisdom at the foot of the Cross.
Paul Tripp wrote:
"Ruth Younts has produced a wisdom character manual like I have never seen before. Forget that it was written for children, I need it!
By the way, Ruth isn’t able to talk about wisdom with such practicality and grace because she did graduate work in wisdom. No, Ruth has spent years at the feet of her Heavenly Father listening. She knows that he is not only the source of all true wisdom, but is Wisdom himself."
You can read some sample pages and more information about the book here: Get Wisdom!
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