“In all or nurturing as parents, the gospel must be central. It is the only hope of forgiveness. It is the only hope for deep internal change. It is the only hope for power to live. The grace of the gospel is the center of everything for Christian parents.”
The home that needs to worry about hypocrisy is the one where the focus is probably on the behavior and not the heart. This makes the child think that their problem is what they are doing rather than what they are.
Some of the needs that our child may have that are addressed by the gospel:
1. Cleansing – their thoughts, motives and actions can be renewed.
2. Forgiveness – based upon the payment by Jesus Christ. He loved us so much that He gave His life as a ransom, paid the penalty for ours sins and so forgiveness is on the basis of these payments.
3. Empowerment – we need empowerment by the Holy Spirit to accomplish internal change, find joy in God and live in a self-sacrificing and gracious way of life.
How can the gospel be displayed in correction?
By nurturing and discipling your child. It is an opportunity to speak of discipleship, ministry, and grace.
1. Do you know the gospel well enough that you can express it in everyday events?
2. In your form of discipline and correction, have you been able to change your child’s behavior by reaching the heart? How?
3. How can the gospel be applied in a correction situation?
4. Compare Ezekiel 36: 25-27 with John 3: 1-21.
How is the cleansing of sin portrayed?
How is forgiveness expressed?
How are internal changes seen?
How is empowerment accomplished?
5. Why is it so important to emphasize grace? How is it seen?
Thank you for taking the time to write these discussion questions!
Thanks Laura for your request a few months ago to get back on this project. If it was profitable for some, I would be willing to do it for another book either on parenting or marriage. I know I have one vote already for "Age of Opportunity" by Paul Tripp. Anyone else have suggestions??
Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
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