On May 14 I posted the testimony of Rachel Barkley, a 37 year old mom who was battling terminal cancer. Her video testimony is gripping and well worth an hour of your time. You can scroll back to that date or link on to it here http://fbcfamilies.blogspot.com/2009/05/death-is-not-dying-theology-of.html
Rachel's story continues as she went home to heaven yesterday, July 2. You can pray for her family as she leaves her husband and two children. She also leaves the impact of someone who has placed their confidence in the gospel of Christ and learned what it is to live by that truth. As the old great hymn declares for the believer in Christ's finished work on the cross, "It is not death to die."
I second the thought that it is worth the time to hear her testimony!! Saddened to hear she has gone home--but it is home that she has gone to. Grace by to her family.
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