Chapter 4 – Taking it out for a Spin. A Test Drive for your Doctrine

  • Saturday, March 15, 2008

  • The drive that Dave Harvey is referring to is going down the road of wisdom or making decisions as one rightly related to God. Wisdom in marriage is not to be found in “how to” books but by putting our beliefs in gear.

    1. At the top of this webpage is “2 Ways to Live.” Take a few minutes to click on the icon and go through the presentation of the gospel and then consider why it is important that we not take any claims of our own righteousness in our relationship with Christ.

    2. Why is being “self-suspicious” such a good thing?

    3. Have you ever tried to “fix” your spouse? How did that go?

    4. What are some things that you do that tend to raise the “oil temperature” in your spouse’s life?

    5. Much is made these days about “unmet needs” which leads to unbiblical conclusions. How much of your life do you think of in terms of needs? How does the Bible address this issue of needs?

    6. How would you respond to someone who would tell you they are having irreconcilable differences with their spouse based upon reading these first 75 pages?


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