Most people would like life to be black and white. The Bible does indeed divide our hearts and behavior in a black and white manner called wisdom and foolishness. It makes some of the things we deal with our children easier (and ourselves) when we ask the simple question – “was that wise or foolish?” The problem comes in identifying what is wisdom and foolishness.
Wisdom is defined as the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is reverence and awe of God. It is something that even a very young child can learn.
Foolishness can be defined by Psalm 14:1 – “The fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God.’” In other words, I make myself a law and pursue what pleases me without consideration to what pleases God.
Foolish pursuits can be found on the following paths:
The pursuit of pleasure
Indulging in substances
The pursuit of sensuality
Defining success by accomplishments or wealth
Placing faith in education as giving life meaning and purpose
The pursuit of wisdom leads to blessings such as:
Long life
Godly values
Moral sensitivity
Eternal joys
Spiritual success
Education that teaches a care for God’s world and increases our knowledge so we can glorify God.
Wisdom is defined as the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is reverence and awe of God. It is something that even a very young child can learn.
Foolishness can be defined by Psalm 14:1 – “The fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God.’” In other words, I make myself a law and pursue what pleases me without consideration to what pleases God.
Foolish pursuits can be found on the following paths:
The pursuit of pleasure
Indulging in substances
The pursuit of sensuality
Defining success by accomplishments or wealth
Placing faith in education as giving life meaning and purpose
The pursuit of wisdom leads to blessings such as:
Long life
Godly values
Moral sensitivity
Eternal joys
Spiritual success
Education that teaches a care for God’s world and increases our knowledge so we can glorify God.
1. Have you been demonstrating foolishness as a parent? Do you express selfishness? A temper?
1. Have you been demonstrating foolishness as a parent? Do you express selfishness? A temper?
2. How are you demonstrating wisdom as a parent? Do you show a response to the holiness of God? A hatred to wickedness? A love that shows compassion, grace and mercy?
3. When you are in a discipling situation with your children, do you ask questions that help them discern wisdom and foolishness?
4. Look for opportunities to teach the difference between wisdom and foolishness. Situations abound: Watch others at ballgames. Evaluate TV shows or movies. Give situations to your children to evaluate.