• Thursday, October 28, 2010
  • October 31 draws our attention to Halloween but it should also be a day of remembrance and teaching to our children of the celebration of The Reformation. It was on October 31, 1517 that Martin Luther decided he could not remain silent any longer and nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to a door and began what would be known as The Reformation. It is the birth of the Protestant Church and a movement that would actually go on for nearly 200 years. Of the many things that came from the movement, the greatest was called the “durchruch” by Luther, or the “breakthrough.” What this means is that Luther rediscovered the gospel. I trust that every day is a “durchruch” for you as you discover the gospel in all aspects of life.

    You can learn all about the Reformation two fairly quickly ways this week. One is that Omaha Bible Church is hosting Stephen Nichols on Saturday, a reseach professor at Lancaster Bible College and nationally known church history expert who will be talking about the Reformation. Costs only $5 and includes lunch. You can register at .  Another option is get Stephen Nichols' book, The Reformation; How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World.  I am nearly done reading it and highly recommend it to all. It is entertaining and very informative.

    Enjoy what I think is the best single performance of the great Reformation hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” written by Martin Luther and performed by Steve Green.


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