Baseball starts this week for my grandsons and so it starts for me. This will take a huge chunk of time in my kid's family life and for Deb and I. Four of Bill and Brit's boys are playing on three different teams so for the next two months, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night I do not have a church event, I will be at a baseball diamond.
I do not want to waste this time just being a spectator so I am committing to the following:
1. I want my grandsons to learn to be a witness for Christ in sports. I will be writing more about this in the weeks to come but I will reinforce instruction I know they are getting from their mom and dad. They need to:
-Obey their coach
-Respect the umpires
-Guard their tongues
-Always encourage others
-Always play hard
-Watch their attitude
Oh yeah ---Grandpa needs to as well from his lawnchair.
2. I want to pray for evangelism opportunities and seek to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ. The way I handle myself at games and the way my grandsons play can open up doors to engage others.
Look for upcoming posts titled "Beyond Sportsmanship" as the principles of the gospel ought to take us to a different level of understanding sports, work, and life than the unbeliever. I trust you will not waste your opportunities this summer at the diamond.
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