• Tuesday, March 20, 2007

  • (Tim and Tina Miller share these thoughts with you on their experience last Friday night)

    The lights were turned down, there was candlelight and cheesecake at every table, and then Bill Wegrzyn jumps on stage in Pastor George's old wrestling uniform...needless to say, the forum was a time of laughs and learning for us. Sometimes we can get caught up in our group of friends and never take a step out to meet others in the church community, but this night was about doing just that. We were assigned tables with people we were not familiar with ( a scary thought, we know). But, little did we know, stepping outside of your comfort zone can be a very enjoyable experience.

    At our table, we spoke to people from different stages of life than our own, all able to bring something different and valuable. With subjects including; the dangers facing families today, why church and community at church is vital, and the importance of a Word centered home, discussion was bound to be fruitful. And it was!!

    Pastor George's discussion on priorities (the rocks in our lives) really hit home on how we are managing time in our own lives. Since the forum, we have chosen to identify the rocks in our lives. In doing so, we are more apt to ensure the rocks (those things God calls us to do) take priority over the gravel (those things that take time away from our rocks). So what does this mean on a personal level? We've made a commitment to hold each other accountable to ensure the rocks come first.

    The FLOCK we are involved in is focusing it's attention on building close relationships and developing accountablity within the group. The Faith Family Forum took these same goals to a whole new level. Here we are, developing personal relationships with people we've just met and enjoying, and learning from it. Don't you think, this type of community building at Faith Bible is worth becoming one of your priorities (rocks)?
    We look forward to the May forum!!

    Tim and Tina Miller


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